Gloria in Excelsis Deo! – Christmas Flashmob in Berlin
You really can't deny the "High Vibe" of this one! Though I don't have the exact calibration of this one it is likely 575 on the Map of Consciousness® which is[...]
How to Free Yourself from Patterns of Behavior?
This week's Tool for Personal Transformation, which calibrates at a high level of consciousness, comes from a renowned spiritual author and teacher: Pema Chödrön Teaches How to Free Yourself from Unconscious Patterns of[...]
Start Christmas Week Off with THE 3 Tenors
Talk about "HIGH VIBE"... Traditional Christmas music...check! Luciano Pavorotti...check! Jose Carreras...check! Placido Domingo...check! Opera...check! 2 or more coming together...check! The KING COMBO, likely 575 on the Map of Consciousness® If you'd[...]
Malas Prayer Beads to Live For
Tickle Their Inner Buddha with Gorgeous Malas Prayer Beads! Today we've consciously curated artisan malas prayer beads for her. They are intended to provide thoughtful gift ideas for your favorite yogi. You may not[...]
Explore Thoughtful Gifts for Your Favorite Yogi
We've consciously curated unique items that are intended to provide thoughtful gift ideas for your favorite yogi. Today's unique gifts for your favorite Yogi include a cork yoga mat, an Om wall[...]
Our Favorite Things for Your Sacred Spaces
Discover Beautiful Things on Etsy for Your Sacred Spaces We've consciously curated unique items for sacred spaces that are intended to provide thoughtful gift ideas for your Devotee, one who is intentional[...]
Mind Over Matter: What You Hold in Mind Tends to Manifest Calibrates as True
What does mind over matter mean, and why does what you hold in mind tend to manifest? This week's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness takes a look at how[...]
Something Sacred for the Mindful Mancave Altar
Zenwerks Handcrafted Walnut Wood, Torri Inspired Table Top Altar Description: My altars are made using time-tested joinery and made to last a lifetime. Beautifully handcrafted clean. The finish I apply to is Rubio[...]
QUIZ: Which Spiritual Writings Are of Highest Consciousness?
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of[...]
Learn How to Tap Your Way to Emotional Freedom EFT
The EFT Seminar: Discover the fundamentals of the Emotional Freedom Technique tapping in The EFT Seminar — absolutely free! The EFT seminar is a seven-module introduction to the core concepts and techniques of[...]
Little Drummer Boy -Tribal Version High Vibe Song of the Day
This song, The Little Drummer Boy has not been calibrated as to its level of consciousness. But with lyrics like this, and it's being a Christmas song, it would typically calibrate[...]
Cozy Up Your Sacred Space! Shaggy Papasan Pillow
Cozy up your sacred spaces, She Sheds, bedroom, meditation room, or reading room with this bestselling Papasan pillow on Etsy. Here are the details of Today's Favorite Finds, which just happens to be one[...]