Discover How to Learn to Love Yourself More in the New Year
Learn how to love yourself more in 2020 in today's "Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness" Videocast from SUBSCRIBE TO "YOUR WEEKLY DOSE OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS" ON[...]
Quiz: Past, Present, or Future?
Past, Present, or Future...This month's episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Quiz asks, "Which is of highest consciousness?: Living in the Past Living in the Present, or Living in the[...]
Discover the Art of Tai Chi for Balance, Strength, & Flexibility
Experience the Healing, Gentle Movements of Tai Chi Intro to Cultivate Balance, Strength & Nourishing Calm with Helen Liang (December - January 12th, 2022): Experience how this Tai Chi intro can move Qi [...]
Joy to the World!
Today's High Vibe Merry Christmas Songs of the Day all calibrate at 575 on the Map of Consciousness. This is the realm of Angels, Saints, Devotion to Divinity and all that is. online[...]
Holy Night… Magnificent Trio
Silent Night, Holy Night is one of those really High Vibe Songs that calibrate at 575 on the Map of Consciousness® which is the Angelic realm, the consciousness calibration of True[...]
Over 1,000 People Got Together to Sing This! Song of the Day
Gloria in Excelsis Deo..this song has not been calibrated at 575 on the Map of Consciousness® this is the realm of the Saints, Angels, Devotion to God. Stop and smell the[...]
Everything You Need to Know About Sound Healing Training
Sound healing is an ancient practice of using sound to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve physical and emotional well-being. With the proper training, you can develop the skills[...]
Holiday Quiz: Christmas, Santa Claus or Peace on Earth?
Welcome to Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness! It is our intention to assist in raising the level of consciousness on the planet to Neutral or 250 on the Map of Consciousness®. Simple[...]
I’d Love This to Show Up at My House… It’s Holiday Flashmob!
I couldn't find the calibration of today's HIgh Vibe Song of the Day, O Come All Ye faithful, but all holiday Devotional songs calibrate at 575. A list of those include:[...]