Today’s Feel Good Song of the Day in the 200s -Just the Way You Are
Today's High Vibe Song of the Day is Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars. The "energy" of Bruno Mars music calibrates at 200 on the Map of Consciousness®, which[...]
Unearthing Our Roots: Healing Ancestral Trauma and Its Universal Significance
Generational Echoes: Understanding Ancestral Healing and Its Impact on the Present EPISODE 129 In today's podcast about healing ancestral trauma, I discuss the following topics: Examining Why and How Ancestral Healing Works[...]
Healing Sacred Geometry Seed of Life Crystal Wall Decor
Seed of Life Wall Decor: Framed Crystal Grid for Health and Wellbeing. A mindful & Meaningful Gift from Ireland Description: Health and wellness framed crystal grid for mindful health, gift from ireland A[...]
How Can Sound Healing Be Super Effective? Interview with Eileen McKusick
This interview with Eileen McKusick discussing her findings in regards to sound therapy and tuning forks for healing the human biofield is also available as a Podcast and can be downloaded on[...]
Discover Vibration, Healing & Consciousness Podcast with David Gibson
Subscribe to Our Podcast on Your Favorite App Discover Decades of Insights into Sound Healing Research with David Gibson EASON 1: EPISODE[...]
Living Life on Your Own Terms: A Roadmap to True Power
Living Life on Your Own Terms: A Roadmap to True Power & Conscioous, Elevated Living EPISODE 128 This week we’re celebrating 1001 Ways to be of higher consciousness - living life on[...]
Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddess Archetypes Within
Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddess Archetypes Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be with Jean Shinoda Bolen (May – June 2021): Discover how to awaken and embody the archetypal[...]
Sound Healing Summit 2023
Sign up today for the Sound Healing Summit 2023 runs July 10th-14th: Use sound-healing techniques to reduce stress .Support rapid healing with powerful sonic practices. Create new neural pathways in the brain with sound[...]
What is the Infinite Field of Potential?
Raising Consciousness: What Is the Infinite Field? Start Your Day on a HIGH NOTE! Spiritual teachings from Dr. David R. Hawkins for a Spiritually Awakening World What is Infinite[...]
Interview with Anita Moorjani, Best Selling Author on Near Death Experiences
Interview with Anita Moorjani: bestselling Author of Dying to Be Me: Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing-- In our interview with Anita Moorjani, she relates how, after fighting cancer[...]
Full Moon Meditation Essentials
Full Moon Meditation Essentials Smudge Kit. Tibetan Brass Singing Bowl, Abalone Shell, Himalayan Salt SHOP NOW! Description: This gorgeous thoughtful meditation gift set was inspired by the summer Malibu Beach and created under[...]
What Are Illusions? How About the Top10 Illusions of Humans?
What Are the Top 10 Illusions of Humans? Today's Inspirational Life Lesson comes from Neale Donald Walsch as he explains the Top 10 Illusions of Humans per his understanding from his "conversations with GOD."[...]