Irrigation Systems Sprinkler Repair, Installation and Maintenance Directory2024-02-12T04:38:30-06:00

How Shamanic Dreams Provide Dream Medicine for Your Soul

February 4th, 2024|FREE Virtual Events & Online Webinars, Robert Moss, Shamanism, The Shift Network|

The Shift Network Presents: Dream Medicine for Your Soul Ancient Shamanic Dreamwork Practices for Healing, Wisdom & Visiting Other Times and Other Worlds…with Dream Shaman Robert Moss:  Ancient dreaming practices for healing & transformation.[...]

Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Immune System

January 29th, 2024|FREE Virtual Events & Online Webinars, Lee Holden, Qigong Training, The Shift Network|

Join The Shift Network in---Discover Qigong Practices to Clear Stress & Build Your Supercharged Immune System with Lee Holden (available now through February 12th, 2024): Discover how to access the inner medicine that[...]

Unlocking the Power of Emotion Code Training: A Proven Approach to Energy Healing

January 22nd, 2024|Energy Healing, Intuitive Training, The Shift Network|

Introducing the Emotion Code ® Training Therapy with Dr. Bradley Nelson: Discover a proven approach to energy healing that releases trapped emotions that resolves underlying imbalances. Learn an energy healing approach that locates[...]

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