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About Our GATE Method® Facilitator Directory
Looking for energy healing practitioners? The Mind Body Spirit Network brings together alternative and holistic health practitioners in the field of energy medicine.
Dr. Oz says energy healing is the new medicine. As energy healing is still a burgeoning alternative approach to healing it can still be difficult to find an energy healer in certain parts of the country.
The GATE Method is another form or modality of intuitive energy healing and is a practice that can be administered remotely. Find a GATE Method energy worker that works in person or remotely here.
The Mind Body Spirit Network is an alternative online business directory for practitioners of alternative health, holistic health and GATE Method energy medicine.
We are also a conscious community of alternative healers and expert contributors of content to our holistic health blogs on energy medicine, High Vibe TV and our monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews on video.
Check Out Our Directory of Energy Healers & GATE Method Practitioners
Manifesting Money: How Women Manifest Differently with Dawn Todd
Calling All Feminine Rebels, Rule Breakers and Activators! The time has come for all feminine rebels, paradigm shifters, energy activators and conscious women to get powerful and profitable and start manifesting money more easily! (+[...]
3 Great Tips for Developing Psychic Abilities
In today's Lighthouse Presentation, Premier Member of The Mind Body Spirit Network, Psychic and Evidential Medium Cheryl Murphy shares her top 3 tips for developing your psychic abilities and developing your intuition.[...]
Becoming a Quantum Dreamer with Robert Moss
Discover Quantum Dreaming & the secrets of time travel [A free virtual event] with dream shaman Robert Moss For centuries, shamans around the world have used dreams as portals to the past and future to[...]
Discover the Experiential Depth Approach to the Enneagram with Russ Hudson & Jessica Dibb
Access the sacred qualities of the Enneagram to transform your life The Enneagram is far more than a personality typing system… It’s a practical and mystical path for discovering and embodying the deeper qualities of[...]
Discovering the Shiva and Shakti in You with Raja Choudhury
Awaken to higher consciousness in a moment-by-moment living meditation Would you like to receive powerful techniques compiled from sacred Eastern traditions to help you awaken to higher consciousness and stay fully conscious in your[...]
Developing a Brand Identity Design: Visual Branding for Your Impactful Transformational Business
You've Developed Your Brand, Now What? You’ve finally gotten a handle on your branding. You’ve figured out who exactly you are, what makes you special, and what you stand for, which is[...]
Take Your Self Care to an Enhanced & Informed Level with Our Resources Related to Energy Healing Tools and Teachings
Want to Learn Energy Healing for Yourself?
Online Courses Related to Energy Healing
For Energy Healers & GATE Method Practitioners:
The Mind Body Spirit Network is an holistic health online business directory for practitioners of energy medicine, including the GATE Method.
We are also a conscious community of alternative healers and expert contributors of content to our holistic health blogs on energy medicine, High Vibe TV and our monthly High Vibe Tribe Book Reviews on video. You could be one of them!
The Mind Body Spirit Network inspires complementary and alternative medicine and holistic practitioners (including energy healers, ThetaHealers, Angel Therapy Practitioners, GATE Method facilitators, Reiki Masters, IET professionals, Reconnection practitioners, etc…) to reimagine, up-level and leverage their online marketing investment with simple, innovative local SEO content marketing, social media, and professional web design strategies that get you outta the gate from the get go!
Stop floundering with online overwhelm!
Come partner with a conscious community and powerful intentional brand, The Mind Body Spirit Network, it’s way more than just an online business directory!