Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma: Move From Scarcity Into Abundance by Healing Your Familial Wounds with Arielee Schwartz July 1 2024

The Shift Network Presents— Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma: Move From Scarcity Into Abundance by Healing Your Familial Wounds with Dr. Arielle Schwartz, PhD (now- July 1st, 2024): Heal the cycle of legacy trauma to become whole & fulfilled. Liberate yourself from unconscious family and ancestral trauma. Heal your past & shape your future by addressing ancestral wounds. Heal your past & shape future generations.

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Lighten Your Load by Liberating Yourself from Ancestral Trauma

How to break the cycle of legacy trauma & heal past familial wounds

Do you experience worries you can’t quite explain? Or maybe you feel stuck in a cycle of financial difficulties, or find yourself in an unhealthy relationship yet again?

These struggles may have been passed down from your ancestors through what’s called legacy trauma, says renowned therapist and author Dr. Arielle Schwartz.

Register to join a special event with the Shift Network on Tuesday, May 28 as Arielle explains how — if left unresolved — these wounds may be passed on to the next generation.

Register here: Break the Cycle of Legacy Trauma: Move From Scarcity Into Abundance by Healing Your Familial Wounds

Lighten your load by liberating yourself from ancestral trauma

During the event, she’ll guide you through a practice to orient yourself to the present moment, bringing to mind an ancestor (even a parent or grandparent) so you can reflect on what might have been happening in their world and their lives.

Heal your past & shape your future by addressing ancestral woundsThen you can “complete” their negative experience and facilitate healing for yourself and future generations.

As Arielle will explain, this transgenerational trauma will be carried forward in families — until someone is ready to feel the impact, release the burdens, and, in turn, find a felt sense of freedom.

Arielle will show you how you can be the one who steps forward to break the cycle.

Join Arielle and begin the journey to heal and release these burdens of your past, move away from scarcity towards abundance, soften your self-critic, and ultimately discover self-acceptance.

She’s one of the most experienced people in the field, as well as a delightful teacher.

I hope you’ll join this special event.

You can RSVP for free right here.


Liz Gracia Founder, Editor in Chief & Host of YOur Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast

Liz Gracia

Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of The Awakening Quest Podcast and

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About  Arielle Schwartz, Ph.D., Your Vagal Nerve Instructor for Healing Trauma

Arielle Schwartz, PhD, CCTP-II, E-RYT, is a licensed clinical psychologist, certified complex trauma professionalArielle Schwartz, PhD, CCTP-II, E-RYT, is a licensed clinical psychologist, certified complex trauma professional, and Kripalu yoga teacher with a private practice in Boulder, Colorado.

Arielle Schwartz, Ph.D. The Complex PTSD Workboo- A Mind-Body Approach to Regaining Emotional Control and Becoming WholeAn internationally sought-out teacher and leading voice in the healing of PTSD and complex trauma, Arielle is the author of six books, including The Complex PTSD Workbook, (The #1 Bestseller on Amazon in Dissociate Disorders with over 5,400 4.5 Star reviews on average), Therapeutic Yoga for Trauma, and The Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook.

The Post-Traumatic Growth Guidebook- Practical Mind-Body Tools to Heal Trauma, Foster Resilience and Awaken Your Potential by Arielle SchwartzArielle dedicates her life to offering informational mental health and wellness updates through her writing, public speaking, social media presence, and blog. Her integrative, mind-body approach to therapy includes relational therapy, parts-work therapy, somatic psychology, EMDR Therapy, and therapeutic yoga for trauma. She believes that the journey of trauma recovery is awakening the spiritual heart.