Somatic Therapy Training Resources
What is Somatic Therapy Training? Photo by Ivy Son from Pexels You're likely curious about somatic therapy training and how it differentiates from other types of mental health therapy. [...]
What is Somatic Therapy Training? Photo by Ivy Son from Pexels You're likely curious about somatic therapy training and how it differentiates from other types of mental health therapy. [...]
WEBINAR: Get Started Today! IMPORTANT NOTE for Visitors to The Mind Body Spirit Network: SAVE $750 — Use PROMO code TMBSN750 at checkout for their March 17th, 2025, Health Coaching Certification Program Are You Considering [...]
Photo by McKaela Lee on Unsplash Children and Cell Phones: Where is The Silver Lining of Over Usage? As a parent, there are things you need to consider when introducing your child to a cell [...]
Guest Blog Post by Mike Bundrant of, and a Premier Member of The Mind Body Spirit Network here. Mike, in his vast experience discusses how to stop self-sabotage behaviors and answers the [...]
Radical Remission from Cancer and Other Illnesses: Discover remission from cancer books and resources from authors and expert presenters at the Hay House Radical Rimission Summit 2020. REGISTER FOR THE RADICAL REMISSION [...]
Are you ready to move beyond dream interpretations into a more organic experience of your sacred dream encounters? Instead of trying to figure out what a dream means, [...]
How Can Mindfulness Exercises Be Simple? We’ve all experienced stress at some point in our lives. What most people don’t realize is how damaging stress can be on the body when accumulated over time. [...]
Are there olive leaf extract benefits for blood pressure? Olive leaf extract is a natural remedy that has been used for over 7,000 years in folk medicine yet has only recently acquired a clinical appreciation. [...]
SCHEDULE A HEALING SESSION WITH LINDA HERE I bet YOU ARE an Energy Healer? Has that question come across your mind lately? Am I an Energy Healer? Have you been feeling [...]
We are all Energy, even our actions and words are Energy. Keeping our hearts in a state of free flow can give us an infinite source of joy and Energy. But why? -HOW??? If we [...]