Kundalini Awakening: Activate the evolutionary force of divine power within you
From ancient sages to modern-day seekers, many have experienced the rapid spiritual growth that can be sparked when you awaken the Kundalini energy that typically lies dormant at the base of your spine.
When activated in the right way, there are few things that can accelerate your spiritual awakening faster than tapping into this divine force within you…
On Saturday, May 12, 2018 (Though this event has passed, you can NOW access this FREE 1 hour recorded webinar here.) spiritual teacher Raja Choudhury will guide you on a deeper exploration of the nature of Kundalini, the ways this sacred divine energy can be experienced more fully, and how it can transform your life, during a FREE online event: Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Bridging Heaven and Earth.
FREE Online Registration Here.
During this complimentary hour, you’ll:
- Be given advanced techniques for raising your prana and inner vibrations, including 5 simple practices to rapidly summon the energy of Kundalini Shakti on demand
- Experience yourself as the light bridge connecting the powers of heaven and earth to transform every aspect of your life to heal, lead, motivate, and energize others
- Be shown how to draw the Garland of Letters in your body and trace the journey of Kundalini as it moves through your chakras
- Discover how to become a living temple or a Sri Chakra Meru so that you can call upon more than 108 sacred energies or Shaktis in your daily life
- Explore how sacred geometry, the flower of life, and the Sri Yantra can help you map out and live an ideal life of evolving and expanding your consciousness
- Find out how to be a Sky Walker and awaken your Third Eye to explore the higher potential of your consciousness, from intuition and siddhis to creativity and manifestation
In this hour-long mini-workshop, he’ll dispel many common myths about Kundalini and lay out a clear pathway to work with breath, mantras, mudras, and light to open to the blessing of Kundalini.
As you open to this evolutionary force of divine power within you, you’ll begin to liberate more energy not only for your spiritual life but for your career, your creativity, and your service in the world!
Liz Gracia
Founder & Editor in CHief
P.S. If you’d like to discover ancient, experiential practices for activating, expanding, and aligning the most powerful spiritual energy in your body in a gentle, grounded way, don’t miss: Awakening Your Kundalini Masterclass: Advanced Teachings for Raising Your Vibration & Bridging Heaven and Earth.
Through Raja’s detailed and comprehensive wisdom transmissions, you’ll come to understand that Kundalini is a crucial part of the evolutionary shift of consciousness now underway on planet Earth.
A downloadable recording will be provided later to all who register, whether or not you listen to the scheduled event.
Though this event has passed, you can NOW access this FREE 1 hour recorded webinar here.
Did You Miss This Event with Raja Choudhury???
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the link to register doesnt work
This event was held in May 2018, so it’s long past