Today’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness discusses the significant power of unconditional love and love consciousness. This level of consciousness can also be described as the experience of awakening to inner joy. It’s a good one!
Introduction to & Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness
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This week’s episode of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness videocast touches on the level of consciousness from the Map of Consciousness® known as Joy and unconditional love and inner joy.
If you think you’ve experienced inner joy or that you are unconditionally loving, think again.
(Unless, of course, you really have.)
This episode describes what unconditional love and inner joy feel like at this high level of consciousness. (You may want to check my previous episode on LOVE consciousness as it will set you up for this one.)
I take a look at the real power of unconditional love and how to remove blocks from it.
I also share my own personal stories of accessing higher levels of consciousness and what that feels like.
If you hope for the unconditional love of God, I assure you it exists and describes the level of consciousness of inner joy.
If you wonder, “What is joy?”,
I describe it from a whole other level of consciousness, typically not available to the lower consciousness of humanity… not that we don’t have access to it, it is just that we lack awareness of it.
Each week I intend to help you put into context where higher levels of truth and power exist based on consciousness calibrations.
Just because one thing is of higher consciousness than another does not make it “BETTER.”
All levels of consciousness above 200 are positive aspect-oriented, constructive, and uplifting to all humankind’s consciousness.
Levels of consciousness above 600 are spiritually enlightened levels of consciousness and are not easily understood by most humans as we are not there yet.
So, enjoy Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness and embrace the consciousness levels that draw you to your evolution of consciousness.
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“Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness” Podcast
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Here are Links to Purchase Dr. David R. Hawkins Books:
- All of Dr. Hawkins Books
- The Map of Consciousness Explained
- Power VS Force
- Truth VS Falsehood
- Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
- The Book of Slides
You can connect with Your Happy Host & Trumpeter of Truth, Liz Gracia here:
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Liz Gracia, your “Trumpeter of Truth” and Happy Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness 101 Ways, is a transformational leader, inspirational speaker, writer, and spiritual teacher of consciousness.
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