Andean Shamanic Rituals for Healing Yourself & Our World with Puma Fredy Quispe Singona (October – December 8th, 2021): Discover the healing energies of the 4 Directions of the Chakana, a sacred Andean symbol, and portal. Experience a 10-minute guided journey to connect with Pachamama’s elemental energies. Explore Andean rituals and healing practices for realizing yourself as a powerful healer.
Shamanic Ceremonies & Rituals: Discover the 4 Directions of the Chakana, a sacred Andean symbol, and portal
Healing, wisdom, and guidance are always available to us through Mother Earth, our beloved ancestors, and the great Cosmos…
… sacred knowledge and healing energies for cultivating, sustaining, and ensuring our wellbeing — and that of our families and communities.
The Andean people drew these powerful transformative energies through a sacred portal, a thousand-year-old symbol called the Chakana.
This ancient map, representing all cosmic and ancestral forces, provides a bridge between human life and the greater universe that connects us to our divine light and the healer within. It helps us manifest a healthy, fulfilling, and happy life so that we in turn can help and serve others.
On Wednesday, November 10, 2021 (recording available thru December 8th, 2021) Andean medicine man Puma Fredy Quispe Singona, broadcasting from the Andean Highlands, will share Andean Shamanic Ceremonies and how to access the wisdom of the Chakana and how to amplify its powerful healing energies and commune with spirit allies of the Earth and stars through the creation of a mesa, a personal altar used in Andean rituals.
You can register here for Andean Shamanic Rituals for Healing Yourself & Our World: Discover the 4 Directions of the Chakana & the Power of the Mesa to Connect With Transformative Energies:
During this powerful 60 minutes exploring Andean Shamanic Rituals, you’ll:
Experience a 10-minute guided journey to connect with the forces of Pachamama’s elemental energies (water, fire, air, and earth) — and receive healing through oneness with their powerful essences
- Explore the Chakana, an ancient symbol of the Andean people that serves as a portal for accessing the powerful convergence of cosmic and ancestral healing energies — and learn how you can receive its sacred gifts
- Discover the shamanic ceremonies and ancestral tradition of creating a mesa (a personal altar) to commune with spirit allies and amplify the powerful healing energies of the Chakana
- Explore the transformative powers of the Chakana’s 4 Directions and how they connect us to healing energies, including munay (unconditional love); kausay (cosmic life energy); llankay (unconditional service of love); and yachay (divine intelligence)
- Learn about potent Andean shamanic rituals and healing practices for realizing yourself as a powerful healer ready to support yourself, your family, and your community
This is an opportunity to connect with powerful healing energies that can create immediate shifts in our lives… for our health and wellbeing, and for that of our families and communities.
This beautiful, love-filled hour with Puma will include a fireside ceremony and blessing for good health and wellbeing, and conclude with a flute-and-drum composition that draws from the healing powers of the mountains to encourage a joyous heart.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast
P.S. In Andean Shamanic Rituals for Healing Yourself & Our World: Discover the 4 Directions of the Chakana & the Power of the Mesa to Connect With Transformative Energies…
… you’ll connect with the transformative forces of Pachamama’s elemental energies (water, fire, air, and earth) in a profound journey led by Andean medicine man Puma Singona… and receive healing through oneness with their powerful energies.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled, but if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available:
About Your Teacher of Andean Shamanic Rituals
Puma Fredy Quispe Singona was trained by his grandfather, Don Maximo, in the mastery of Andean ceremonies and rituals. As a spiritual leader both in his own community of Chinchero, Peru, and in international gatherings and spiritual journeys, he conveys a passion for the teachings of his people and profound respect for the global awakening of human consciousness. He has attended and facilitated numerous international gatherings of spiritual leaders and young leaders with YES (Youth for Environmental Sanity).
He is recognized globally as a holder of ancient lineage and wisdom with the power to inspire people in his special heartfelt way to connect with the reverence and love he brings for Pachamama (Mother Earth) and the Apus (mountain spirits) that safeguard the Andean people. He is a co-founder of Cusi Huayna, a youth group focused on re-strengthening the community through the remembrance of traditional dance, music, story, and songs.
Puma has a natural ability to connect with ancestral spirits, cosmic forces, and natural elementals that assist him in his global healing path. He sees everyone as a global family and teaches that by healing ourselves we are healing our family. As a tour guide to the natural wonders and sacred sites of Peru and the Quechua world, he has a deep reverence for the traditions and values of the ancient Andean cultures.
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