Free Virtual Event: Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddesses Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be with Jean Shinoda Bolen (May – June 2021) Register Here!
Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddess Archetypes Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be with Jean Shinoda Bolen (May – June 2021): Discover how to awaken and embody the archetypal Goddess energies within. Tap into the archetypal feminine energies of Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon. Experience a guided visualization to connect with your playful inner child.
… a time to embody greater self-assurance, inspiration, creativity, compassion, heightened intuition, new authority, and deepened spirituality.
The transformative energies of the Goddess Archetypes, which dwell within each of us, provide one of the most powerful ways to ignite these qualities.
According to feminine psychology pioneer Jean Shinoda Bolen, MD, they are even more potent at this time, incubated by the recent solitude of sheltering in place.
On Wednesday, June 9, 2021 you’ll discover powerful Goddess archetypes that can help you let go of limitations, embrace new ways of being, and step more confidently into the fullest expression of yourself –– in Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddesses Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be.
You can register here:
When you awaken and embody the Goddess archetypal energies within, you align with who you truly are deep down — beneath familial and cultural conditioning and disempowering beliefs.
You’re ready to reach beyond the shoulds and can’t to finally step into what your soul desires most.
You feel comfortable in your own skin, powerful in your purpose (be it lovingly caring for grandchildren or advocating for racial justice), and happy, playful, and creative in your everyday life.
You can RSVP for free here.
P.S. In Activate the Wisdom & Boldness of the Goddess Archetypes Within to Become Who You’re Meant to Be, you’ll experience a guided visualization to tap into the archetypal energies of Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, and connect with your playful inner child to gain a new perspective on your next step forward.
Due to popular demand, this is now an evergreen event available to enjoy at your own convenience…
She has authored 13 books, now available in over 100 foreign editions, including The Tao of Psychology… Goddesses in Everywoman… Goddesses in Older Women… Crones Don’t Whine… and Artemis: the Indomitable Spirit in Everywoman.
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