How Can You Leverage Your Time & Expertise to Have Greater Impact and Recurring Revenues?
DEVELOP AN ONLINE COURSE in The Lighthouse Library of Online Courses!
Many of you get stuck on the whole implementation, set-up, technical details and marketing part of creating an online course. How about you off-load that "online overwhelm" to the experts?
YOU create the awesome course, we'll make sure it gets the visibility & reach you need to build a business
Be the Beacon of Light That Your Are and Your True Tribe Will Find Their Own Way.
Save Yourself the Hours of Frustration & the Monthly Fees!

Why Choose The Mind Body Spirit Network to Host Your Online Classes?
As you may have discovered, paying for an online course delivery platform can be expensive! They're running anywhere from $40 - $100+ a month!
If you're not serious about marketing your courses and building a significant library of course offerings, you could easily lose money on this effort!
What's even worse? You build out courses on a platform, come to realize you don't know how to market it effectively, then have to abandoned the platform and all the work you put into creating the courses and setting them up!?!
How about getting started in a more strategic way and with NO monthly fees (unless you are a non-member) and expert help?

Here's What We Do!
We'll build out the page that your course will "live" on and set up the necessary membership access definitions to protect & manage your content, and make sure your students can access and manage their account and classes on their own and manage payments.
You deliver us all the content, downloadable course materials and links to your videos and we'll take care of the rest!
The price of the course build out includes:
A Course Cover Image
A cover image for each course module up to 4 modules
Setting up downloadable course materials, up to 8 documents.
Your Teacher Profile
Inclusion in TMBSN "Lighthouse Library"

Initial Course Launch & Ongoing Online Marketing
Once your course is up and ready for sale* you will benefit from our consistent and ongoing online marketing efforts including:
- All website traffic to TMBSN.
- All website traffic that we drive, through paid advertising strategies to The Lighthouse Library of course offerings.
- All weekly social media posts intended to drive ongoing weekly traffic to The Lighthouse Library,
- Exposure in our weekly email newsletters to our growing list of subscribers, and
- Continuous expert SEO & SEM (search optimization and marketing).
*You MUST purchase a set-up and marketing launch for The Lighthouse Store in order for us to start selling your course. ($250+ 50% affiliate commission for members and $350 + 50% affiliate commission for non-members) Click here to add on this product.

Avoid This Hassell!
Here's the dealio on setting up your own course:
You can go the route of paying a monthly fee on another course building platform. Fees are typically running $40- $100+ a month.
If you change from one platform to another, you have to recreate all your courses again.
You need (to an extent) to have a sense of graphic design in building your courses, so they look polished and a sense of how to write engaging copy on your course sales page.
You then need to figure out how to sell your course.
If you have a Wordpress website, you can do it on your own as well, but you will need a good sense of design and a membership plugin. Membership plugins can be overwhelming for non-techies to set up and grasp. Again, there's a yearly fee for these, running at the low end of $120-$250/year.
Then you will have to figure out how to market your course...and how to optimize your sales funnel so that you actually sell courses and make money!
There Could Be a Better Way!
Leverage the Power of an Online Marketing Platform Driven by Expert Designers & Marketers.
Member Pricing
Member Pricing Course Set-up: $175 per course
Non-Member Pricing Course Set-up: $225 per course
Course Development Consultation?
Do you need some guidance and consultation as to how to develop and build a course?
Schedule some time with me. You'll be glad you did!
Let's start with 1 hour and see how far we get before adding on more time.
Sell Your Course!
You MUST purchase set-up and initial launch marketing in The Lighthouse Store in order to sell your course.
For Listing Members: $250 per product
For Non-Listing Members: $350 per product + $27/month (you will be billed the monthly fee after your course is live)
Advanced Long Form Sales Page: starts at $350 minimum (see an example here)
Order Now or check out the details of participation in The Lighthouse Store here.
Why do I have to pay a 50% commission per sale?
Why do I have to pay to be in The Lighthouse Store too?
How do I become a member of The Mind Body Spirit Network?
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