The Shift Network Presents: How to Overcome the Effects of Early Abandonment Trauma: Addressing the 4 Original Wounds in a Journey Toward Wellness — for Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives with Dave Markowitz (now – June 26th, 2024): Explore the 4 original wounds we experience, how they’re your keys to freedom & how to heal them. What are the root causes of your nagging symptoms? Find out! Heal early abandonment issues– for empaths, intuitives & sensitives
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Explore the 4 Original Wounds & How They’re Your Keys to Freedom from Abandonment Issues and Trauma
If you’re challenged by the residue of early abandonment traumas you’ve endured, physical symptoms you just can’t overcome, nagging emotional struggles, or a profound sense of loneliness…
… there may be old and unexamined underlying causes — imprints on your psyche that occurred in the earliest days of your life — that need to come to the surface and be addressed.
According to intuitive healing facilitator and 2-time bestselling author Dave Markowitz, we all experience four primal original wounds. Dave calls these the four abandonments…
… and he’s dedicated his life to helping people — particularly empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people — heal from these wounds so they’re able to experience their own inner light and connect with others and Spirit more profoundly than ever before.
Join Dave in an illuminating hour on Saturday, June 1, at 10:00am Pacific, in which he’ll walk you through these original wounds and share how you can begin to overcome them — so you can have better relationships…
… feel more whole, light, hopeful, engaged, and free to make choices that are in alignment with your true desires.
You can register here for How to Overcome the Effects of Early Abandonment Trauma: Addressing the 4 Original Wounds in a Journey Toward Wellness — for Empaths, Sensitives & Intuitives.
The original (and most formative) wounds and four abandonments are:
The physical separation from your mother
- The perceived spiritual disconnection from Source
- The emotional withdrawal by your family of origin
- The eventual abandonment of the Self
In this healing online event, you’ll:
- Begin to understand that there are reasons you’ve been unable to resolve the challenges in your life — particularly if you’re an empath, intuitive or sensitive — current-day illnesses, frustrations with relationships, issues with purpose, jobs, and finances, or something else
- Participate in a guided meditation to feel the onset of challenges that resulted from your original wounds, make friends with them, and start to release their hold on you — physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
- Trace your struggles back to your original wounds — and experience hope that there’s a way through and beyond your pain
- Realize that you’re not alone, that you aren’t abandoned, and that these wounds are universal — with the proper tools and techniques, you can establish a daily healing practice
- Experience a lessening of self-judgment and increased self-acceptance
Dave will share how the four abandonments, and the resulting beliefs, pain, and unwellness, are not impediments to your path, but rather catalysts to guide you home.
In order to get there, however, you need to stop resisting and start to lean into your discomfort from a place of compassion…
… bringing the root cause of your perceived battles to the forefront. It’s then that you can begin to integrate these wounds in a healthy way and embark on your path of healing.
Dave will lead you in a meditation to help you see how the original wounds have affected you.
As you look at your resulting symptoms through the eyes of unconditional love, you’ll begin to embrace them as messengers — rather than fight them as enemies — and ultimately transform them to a higher, more healing vibration.
You can RSVP for free here.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and
About Your Empath Teacher
Dave Markowitz has worked with thousands of empaths, intuitives, and highly sensitive people (HSPs) in his 27-year career as an intuitive healing facilitator, guide, and bestselling author. His conversational style of writing, warm demeanor, and open heart invites clients, readers, and workshop attendees to heal, to see their own light, and to connect with others and with Spirit deeper than ever before.
Dave’s work guides clients and workshop attendees gently and compassionately in alignment with what their body-mind-spirit triune can handle — and does so at the causal level for increased awareness, long-lasting symptom relief, an expansion in intuitive guidance and spiritual growth, and a clearer vision of who they really are and where and how they can best express their gifts of empathy and sensitivity for the benefit of all.
Working with Dave reminds us that we are never alone, and that there is always hope for healing. He’ll help you connect to your own truth beyond the façade of the ego, and to befriend the parts of you that you were taught to hide: namely, your fear, anger, and grief. These parts of self need love and attention just as much as the more accepted parts of you — for example, your compassion, heart, and caregiving nature — for true whole-body, long-lasting healing and spiritual growth.
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