The Shift Network Presents: Mediumship Training with James Van Praagh-Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World (now thru Januray 3rd, 2024): Unlock your intuitive gifts and become a conduit to the spirit world. Uncover your true soul essence and learn how to connect to non-physical souls. Discover how to communicate with your spirit guides and deceased loved ones .Communicate with deceased loved ones through mediumship & psychic awareness.
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Communicate with Deceased Loved Ones Through Psychic Awareness & Mediumship Training with James Van Praagh
Would you like to communicate with spirit guides and departed beloveds who now reside on the other side of the veil?
According to James Van Praagh, one of the world’s most prolific and well-known psychic mediums, the most important thing to grasp before you can truly understand and work with these intuitive abilities…
… is that you are a soul, manifesting in human form.
As you tune in to the loving fabric of your soul, the veil that separates you from the spirit world grows thinner, enabling you to pierce through the confines of your physical body and feel the profound connection that binds together all of creation.
Once you fully shift the seat of your identity, it’s easier to interact with other souls in non-physical realms, and unequivocally understand that there are many other worlds vibrating around this earthly plane.
You open your natural intuitive gifts and ultimately become a conduit for messages from other worlds by cultivating your psychic abilities — including mediumship.
On Tuesday, May 30, 2023 join in a free hour-long mediumship training event with James Van Praagh event, where he’ll share, from the depth of his mediumship experiences, about how your soul has traveled through eons of time, incarnating again and again to experience a variety of life situations that serve to catalyze your soul’s expansion.
You can register here for Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World:
In this inspiring online workshop and mediumship training with James Van Praagh, you’ll:
Be guided into a trance-like state in James’ “Ground and Center” practice, which helps you welcome in a specific spirit and realize that you can be a conduit for souls that have passed on to the other side
- Start accepting that you’re a soul encased in a physical body — and that you have the ability to interact with other souls who are no longer in their corporeal form
- Discover how, once you’ve tapped into your soul’s natural abilities, such as intuition, you can open your instinctual nature — or your sixth sense — and begin honing your mediumship skills and other psychic practices
- Truly grasp that the soul cannot die, enabling you to both eliminate fear in so many areas of your life and realize that your deceased loved ones really are all around you on a different vibratory level
- Understand that when you bring the loving nature of your soul into your life, your experience in this world is more complete and fulfilling
Whether you want to develop your psychic abilities, enhance your intuition, or help those who are grieving move forward with their lives, James’ profound work can help launch you onto the life-changing path as a medium…
… fully connected to the spirit world with the capacity to use this beautiful gift to assist others on their healing journey.
You can RSVP for free here.
Liz Gracia
Founder & Conscious Curator of Transformational Events
Host of Your Weekly Dose of Higher Consciousness Podcast and
Host of and
P.S. In Prepare Your Soul for Mediumship: Unlock Your Intuitive Gifts & Become a Conduit to the Spirit World with James Van Praagh…
… you’ll uncover your true soul essence and learn how to connect to non-physical souls — to begin communicating with your spirit guides and deceased loved ones through your innate instinctual gifts of intuition, mediumship, and psychic awareness.
We hope you’re able to catch the event as scheduled. But if you register and miss it, you’ll receive a downloadable recording as soon as it’s available.
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About Your Famous Mediumship Training with James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh, hailed throughout the world as a pioneer of the mediumship movement, is considered one of the most widely recognized and accurate spiritual mediums working today.
A “survival evidence medium,” he provides evidential proof of life after death through highly detailed messages from the spiritual realm. He is recognized annually as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People in Watkins Mind Body Spirit magazine.
For over three decades, James’ messages have brought comfort and peace to millions. He has worked with international heads of state, religious world leaders, and celebrities. He has authored several bestselling books and has introduced his own line of Tarot and Oracle Cards.
Not only has he been the host of his own popular show, “Beyond,” James has also been a major asset behind the scenes with CBS working on shows like the long-standing Ghost Whisperer with Jennifer Love Hewitt, and has helped produce several made-for-TV movies. He was a producer and screenwriter on the 2002 CBS semi-autobiographical miniseries Living with the Dead, starring Ted Danson as James. He has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Larry King Live, Dr. Phil, 48 Hours, The View, The Joy Behar Show, Chelsea Lately, Coast to Coast AM, and many more.
He continues to share his talent as a master teacher by offering online and in-person courses that teach how everyday people can tap into their inner mystic. James is one of the trailblazers in the mediumship industry and will continue to be looked up to as one of its icons.
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