The Shift Network Presents: How to Read Your Soul: Upgrade Your Psychic Skills by Tapping Into Messages From Your Higher Self with Lisa Campion, now through March 26, 2024. Learn to decipher symbols, omens, synchronicities, and dreams.
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Interpret Signs from Your Higher Self to Upgrade Your Innate Psychic Skills
Do you sometimes sense who’s knocking at your door before you open it? Or have a dream about an old friend you haven’t seen in years and surprisingly run into them the next day?
If so, you’re certainly intuitive, but you may also be well on your way to being an effective psychic.
According to psychic counselor Lisa Campion, dreams like that and “gut” hunches are just two of the many ways to receive psychic messages. She teaches that we all have the ability to access knowledge, wisdom, and guidance from our own soul — or Higher Self — which is always speaking to us through signs and symbols.
Join Lisa in a free video event, in which you’ll get a taste of doing your first soul reading! It’s a transformative process that you can start to practice and apply daily…
…. to obtain guidance and important information that can help you live a more soulful life, find more joy, and navigate the challenges you encounter with skill and conscious awareness.
Lisa will show you how to tap into your intuition — and when you combine your intuition with psychic signs you receive, you’ll be better equipped to interpret those soul-given messages and confirm their validity.
You can register here for How to Read Your Own Soul: Upgrade Your Psychic Skills by Tapping Into Messages From Your Higher Self
In this empowering online event about communicating with your higher self, you’ll:
Explore how your soul is always speaking to you through your intuition, dreams, signs, omens, synchronicities — offering useful guidance for navigating challenges and living a more soulful life
- Understand how important it is to discern the difference between the needs and goals of your personal self and the desired evolution of your soul — and how it’s possible to fulfill both
- Learn how to build trust and confidence in the messages and guidance you’re receiving from your soul by tapping into your intuitive knowing
- Learn how to use both sides of your brain to decode psychic messages
- Be guided in a meditation to connect with your Higher Self and receive a message about something that’s now unfolding in your life
Lisa will show you how to enter an alpha brainwave state to tune in to the right side of your brain, which houses your intuition and recognizes signs, symbols, and omens. You can then, at will, allow the left side of your brain to take over, decode, and make meaning of those psychic clues.
Suppose you’re at a crossroads and looking for a deeper connection to your internal guidance system. In that case, this hour with Lisa promises to ignite confidence in the wellspring of knowledge and insight within you.
You can RSVP for free.
About Your Psychic Gifts – Empath Instructor
Lisa Campion is a psychic counselor and Reiki Master teacher with over 30 years of experience. She specializes in training emerging psychics, empaths, and healers to fully step into their gifts. She is the author of The Art of Psychic Reiki and the award-
winning Energy Healing for Empaths, as well as the upcoming books Awakening Your Psychic Ability and The Psychic Awakening Journal. She is also the host of the popular podcast, The Miracle of Healing.
Lisa, who started working as a psychic when she was just 19 years old, has conducted well over 15,000 individual sessions. She has been teaching Reiki for 23 years and has trained thousands of people in Reiki and other energy medicine modalities. She is dedicated to helping people open up their own psychic and healing gifts with ease and grace, and her mission in life is to create an army of healers to go out and save the world.
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