Awaken to Your Soul’s Purpose in Life: Right now there is a great collective awakening that is happening on the planet. We are living in extraordinary times, that has been predicted by ancient mystics, where we are waking up to the true power we have inside. We are now being called to step into our own truth and soul power.
Can you feel it?
This is what you came here for.
The world needs you to shine your light and live your unique purpose.
Please join us for a powerful and soulful 8 days journey, October 5th – 12th, 2020
Are You Searching for a Deeper Soul Purpose in Life?
Could it be that your soul is knocking on your door, you just haven’t realized it yet?
I am so excited to share what my friend Jannecke Øinæs, founder of Wisdom From North, have been preparing:
An eight days (FREE) event where you get the chance to step into your own unique light.
In this event you can get more clarity on your mission and purpose in life and understand what is holding you back from living the life that you deep down long to live. Learn how you can say YES to your soul purpose and yes to your dreams!
Jannecke is the founder of Wisdom From North, the Nordic platform for accelerated inner work and empowerment. She has her own membership, online courses and has interviewed over 400 transformational teachers (including me!-if applicable). Her passion is to share wisdom and knowledge on how to step into your unique light together with powerful thought leaders and transformational teachers who are changing the world by living their own soul’s purpose.
Today she is following her calling, but it wasn’t always so.
Here is what she says:
“For a long time I thought that since I didn’t have 100% clarity on my soul purpose in life, I didn’t really have one. Otherwise, the universe would have handed it on a silver platter to me a long time ago, right? I didn’t think I was worth listening to either. I thought I needed a particular grade, a higher social status, and basically be this “perfect person” in order for me to share my truth and to give myself permission to follow my heart! And I thought that since I didn’t have enough money, I might as well just drop the thought of finding and manifesting my true purpose right away.
Maybe you can relate…
I don’t know what my soul purpose in life or dream is
- I don’t know even if I have a soulful purpose
- I don’t really believe in myself
- I don’t have enough money to pursue it
- I don’t know how to even start searching for it..
- What if I fail?
- Who am I to believe I am meant for something more, something deeper, unique, special or grand?
- Who am I to believe that The Universe has a plan for me
I’ve battled with all of these thoughts.
But here’s what I’ve realized after 8 years with Wisdom From North: most of us have these fearful thoughts and sabotaging patterns. You are not alone! We all have an ego, who’s job really is to do everything it can to keep you exactly where you are. Making you feel small and silly for even having thoughts of a purposeful life.
So it is natural to feel this way.
But who are we NOT to live a life aligned with our soul? Who are we not to speak our truth? Who are we NOT to be and do what our hearts tell us to?
Our job is to move beyond the ego and live a life aligned with our soul.
Holding us back and keeping ourselves small isn’t OK, and I don’t want that for you. You deserve something better. I want you to listen to the deeper part of you, which is telling you the truth. Listen to your heart, your soul..
Because we are all here to be originals. To be our own heroes. You are crucial for the whole picture. You matter. You are meant for something more..”
– Jannecke
So this is why Jannecke is inviting you to this epic free online event:
Awaken to Your Soul’s Purpose!
a powerful and soulful 8 days journey
Your soul is knocking, and we are not letting it stand there alone – we are going to open that door and invite your soul in to show you the way!
It’s happening on the 5th – 12th of October and it’s totally free.
And you can expect to see me there too! (if applicable)
All you need to bring is your best energy and an open heart and mind.
I know Jannecke will be bringing her BEST knowledge and teachers, to give you:
4 Workshops to help you send the ego on vacation and step into a deeper sense of purpose and direction in your life
- The confidence in your ability to find and to live the life you signed up for
- The antidotes to fear and resistance, so you know how to overcome what is holding you back
- Knowledge on how you can expand your consciousness and why this is important
- Show you which path to take in order to discover your purpose
- Give you more clarity and conviction to live a life aligned with your soul
I am sure you will walk away from these 8 days more confident in your ability to find and to live the life you were destined to live, getting the sense of why your soul has been trying to get your attention for so long, get clarity on what has stood in the way, and most importantly; knowing what your next steps are, so you can truly open up to that calling.
So take that first step and sign up for Jannecke’s free event Awaken to Your Soul’s Purpose.
I believe it is going to be magical. I highly recommend you join! I know I will.
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